Firefox 3

Just downloaded Firefox 3 I have not had a lot of time to check out all the new features but it seems that this new release is another positive step for the best browser around.

Ubuntu server 8.04

I have just install Ubuntu 8.04 Server in my old 700 mhz computer hopefully I can use it to learn to set up various programs and play around with networks which I not really done in the past. i tried to set it up in a virtual machine but the install fail so I decided to do it in a actual machine.

Testing GeeXboX

Just downloaded and burned the 7 MB GeeXboX iso. I tested it in my 700 MHZ, 512 MB machine it booted really quick into RAM then I proceeded to test it's capabilities of playing DVD and videos on my HDD. It worked pretty well no doubt the faster your machine and the more RAM you got the better that the performance will be.

I am impress with GeeXboX so far and it is free software, open-source software.

El Software Libre es un asunto de libertad

Estos dias soy mucho mas contento que puedo pasar 95% del tiempo usando GNU Linux para hacer mis trabajos para la escuela por que no tengo mas lecciones que son especificas para el otro sistema. Una de las otras formas que he reducido el uso del otro sistema es abiendo instalado IE en mi sistema usando IEs4Linux es triste pero es necesario.

GNU/Linux, KeepassX & Truecrypt

Secure data management with Keepassx & Truecrypt for both of this apps there is a windows version. Well I just started using keepassx to securely keeping my passwords so that as long as I remember the password to my keepassx database then I got access to all my passwords. Which is where I should have put the password for my Truecrypt encrypted disk which I forgot after a while and had to start all over. So far both of this apps seem to be really good but I guess is early days yet. Open source you got to love it.


Just Install Flock. This is my first post to my blog using the build in features.

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Blogged with Flock

Inkscape 0.45.1

New release of Inkscape is out.


Musing on Linux and Open Source by an accidental revolutionary. I finally got this book I have known about it for a while but was not able to get my hands on a copy of it until today .

Long weekend - console fun

I was playing Mortal Combat in the PlayStation 2 on Saturday. On Sunday was playing PlayStation one with my niece and today I was playing wii sports with George.

Inkscape 0.45 - web 2 logo

Yesterday after reading an article about Web 2.0 logos, I decided to have a go to create my own web 2.0 logo so here is what I done so far at the moment is just a concept is likely to change drastically in the near future.

Inkscape - SVG - Libre Graphics

Inkscape is an Open Source vector graphics editor which aims to be fully compliant with XML, SVG, and CSS standards. I have being using it for a while my most recent work was done using this powerful application to make a svg version of a banner for a government agency. While far from perfect it really is a great example of what can be accomplish by the GNU + Linux + Open source + Free software community. The future looks great as efforts by the community seem to be aid by involvement by the company Xara. The latest version is Inkscape 0.45

Latin lingo - My GNU Linux Desktop

Mandriva 2007 OS Runing on my 2.8GHZ, 1GB RAM, 128MB ATI Radeon 9550SE, 40GB Western Digital HD and a 200GB Samsung HD, not the most impresive computer in the world but gets the job done.